Our New collaborations

As part of our core business, we offer cosmetic products of natural origin marketed in bulk or packaged in environmentally friendly packaging within sheltered workshops.
😍 We are more than happy to count among our new partners les ateliers du Tricentenaire, collaboration that allows us to strengthen our social and societal impact 🤝🏿
✍🏾The youth being the future and forming the next leaders, it is essential to train them on the ground so that they are able to better orient themselves and apprehend the future challenges of a world in constant evolution.
💫 I am very pleased to have obtained for my company Aurel Ivoire S.à r.l.-S SIS the approval to host young volunteers.
A big thanks to the Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse and to the Service national de la jeunesse for trusting us.