10 household products that I no longer buy!

When it comes to our household cleaning products, it's no longer a secret that we are unknowingly exposed to toxic pollutants that are hazardous to our health.
The truth is, some of the cleaning products on the market smell great and promise you wonders, but most contain ingredients that are polluting to the planet and sometimes toxic to our well-being.
Through certain choices we make on a daily basis, we unknowingly increase our risk of being affected by infertility issues, developing cancer or neurological disease.
Each of us can take action at his or her own level, and this is possible by reducing the amount of cleaning products used and favoring products whose ingredients are natural and biodegradable.
From my side, here's a list of 10 products I haven't bought in a few years, and trust me it's possible. Just start with one, two, and without even knowing it, you will have eliminated several unnecessary products from your daily routine 😊
1) Deodorizing blocks for toilets
The toilet block is a product used in millions of homes but also in day care centers, companies, schools, questioned when it contains dichlorobenzene. The dichlorobenzene is classified as possible carcinogenic for humans and is now suspected of being an endocrine disruptor.
The composition of deodorant blocks varies and generally covers borax, sodium troclosene dihydrate, (used to replace bleach), paradichlorobenzene and frequently an additional fragrance.
These products are therefore irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. In the long term, paradichlorobenzene can have effects on the liver. SOURCE Consoglobe.
My healthy and green alternative: White vinegar, lemon slices. White vinegar has the property to neutralize bad odors. In addition it has a cleaning, descaling and disinfecting power. It is my favorite household product in addition to being economical, you will understand why below.
Pour some into a small spray bottle, and spray inside and outside the toilet. Let it sit for an hour, then wipe the exterior with a damp cloth. To leave a pleasant scent in the toilet, add 2 drops of essential oil of lavender, tangerine for example. You can also rub the surface of the toilet seat with lemon slices.
2) Different cleaners for floors, sinks and toilets
I only have one multi-purpose cleaner which is the Black Soap. It's a great all-purpose, eco-friendly cleaner for degreasing, cleaning and shining any surface. Biodegradable and hypoallergenic, black soap is skin-friendly and environmentally friendly. Choose a liquid black soap manufactured by a traditional soap factory in Marseille.
3) Anti-limescale
This is another product I don't buy anymore because white vinegar is effective for descaling all objects both in the bathroom and in the kitchen (faucets, kettle pan, etc.).Always let it sit for a while before cleaning or rinsing.
4) Dishwashing liquid
Honestly, I can't even remember when was the last time I bought one. A block of Marseille or Aleppo soap does the job perfectly. In addition, it can also be used to wash your hands so no need for 2 products on the sink.
5) New tea towels
We all have worn clothes, in more or less good condition. To replace paper towels or avoid buying tea towels, salvage some old clothes, cut according to the desired dimensions and voila 😊 you'll be surprised how many tea towels you'll end up with. They will serve you to clean all surfaces, windows, bathroom, etc.
6) Paper towels
The easiest ecological gesture I've had to make, having grown up in a family that didn't use any. Let's keep in mind that leaf after leaf, these are felled forests that unfold under our fingers...
Although it has been a common practice for years, paper towels are easily replaceable. The choice is really wide: tea towels (mentioned above), sponges, cloth towels, etc. Today, you can also find washable paper towel rolls on the market. The investment may be worth it if you don't want to reuse old clothes.
7) The glass cleaner
The majority contains COV irritants (volatile organic compounds), allergens, even toxic for some. Make your window cleaner in one minute by mixing in a spray bottle one liter the water and 3 tablespoons of white vinegar.
8) Chemical uncloggers
They are particularly aggressive for both humans and the environment. The ingredients found in the composition of these products are most formidable: sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, caustic soda, ammonium or potassium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, etc.
Although effective, they end up in the sea through wastewater. Their toxicity promotes the deterioration of aquatic life, not to mention the pollution of the water table. They are also very dangerous for humans, so handle with care.
What alternative? Pour 2 tablespoons of sodium percarbonate down the drain, then pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. You can repeat the action 2 or 3 times for an optimal result.
It is also necessary to prevent clogged drains by using metal strainers at the bathtub or sink, for example. Percarbonate is also Ideal for making white laundry detergents.
9) Deodorizing sprays
Whether they are sanitizing, deodorizing or anti-dust mites they cause "major indoor air pollution" when exposed to them for a long time. And, no, the fact that they are sold in pharmacies or parapharmacy does not mean they are safe.
There's nothing like placing one or more cups of baking soda or coffee grounds in a room to absorb odors. Change them every 2 months or more often.I also use natural incense (without abusing it and airing the rooms beforehand).
10) Oven Stripper
Like most vaporizers, the majority contain COV irritants (volatile organic compounds), allergens, even toxic for some.
Black soap is a natural degreaser. To dissolve grease that is firmly attached to the walls of the oven, simply spray with liquid black soap and leave for 10 minutes.
You can also apply baking soda to dirty surfaces and leave for several hours, then sprinkling vinegar on it before cleaning.
Also clean oven windows with white vinegar.
Bonus: bleaching water
It is found in many homes and yet it is a particularly harmful product that is not a cleaner but a disinfectant. In the toilet, for example, bleach does not clean, but it also releases a toxic gas when in contact with urine, which is dangerous for the eyes, lungs and respiratory tract. Not to mention that it will pollute the water.
The truth is that bleach is too strong for the home! It is a strong, non-selective biocide that kills all life. It therefore kills all bacteria including the good ones thus contributing to the weakening of the immune system.
The aforementioned products will do better in the home.
I hope this article was helpful to you, let me know in the chat (window on the side) if you learned anything and what you are going to put into practice 😀
Do not forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more tips and tricks.